Thank you Upstate Venture Connect (UVC) for shedding light on an important economic development opportunity.


By Richard Glaser | Special to the RBJ


UVC is a nonprofit organization founded and led by accomplished entrepreneurs dedicated to supporting entrepreneurship and advocating for our region’s high growth startups.


UVC recently released the 2018-19 Upstate CEO Report, the third annual online survey of scalable startups. The survey was conducted in partnership with LeMoyne College’s Madden School of Business and included 179 respondents, with 48 participants from the Rochester area. The companies were selected based on their focus on national and global customers since they have an outsized impact upon Upstate’s economic growth. They tend to be in newer industries and are often inadequately identified in other polling or research data.


Read the rest of the RBJ article here.

Download your copy of the 2018-19 Upstate CEO Report here.

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