Bob Bojanek

Founder @ ShoreGroup | Investor @ KAP First

Robert (Bob) Bojanek is a founder, entrepreneur and community leader. Bob and his partners founded ShoreGroup and Optanix; the former a national VAR, the later an international network and system management company which introduced one of the first B2B SaaS models in the industry.

Having successfully exited companies he co-founded, Bob is currently reinvesting in upstate NY funds such as StartFast and StartFast II. Passionate about creating opportunity in the Mohawk Valley, Bob currently invests time and treasure in Innovation Collective (IC). Using a grassroots approach to economic development, IC activates and empowers “humans” through collaboration and community investment.

Bob is also involved in community foundations and non-profit organizations serving on various boards including The Community Foundation of Herkimer and Oneida Counties, Rome Community Foundation and Project Fibonacci Foundation. As founder of The Shoreline Group, Bob funds selected non-profit endeavors in Upstate NY.